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Whole Body Wellness

Kidney stones are often called the worst pain on earth. Personal horror stories abound about them. It's easy to believe that horrific pain would be the only sign you've developed a kidney stone, but what if there are other early warning signs? Great news, there are signs that you have an impending stone, and being aware might give you enough time to deal with it before the pain really hits. (more…)

Believe it or not, there are dietary choices you can make to help support normal testosterone (T) levels. For guys, getting enough testosterone boosting nutrients like zinc, vitamin D and protein (essential amino acids) can help reduce the need for workout supplements or HGH to be a superstar on the field or in the bedroom. And ladies, you also need stable (but lower) testosterone levels for mood, muscle and bone mass. For best testosterone support, make these twelve foods a part of your regular diet. (more…)

It's hard to live in a living world without some living organisms taking residence on or inside of your body. It might not be the most pleasant idea, but everyone is carrying bugs of some sort. Harmful organisms in the intestines and bacteria in the gut are among the most common. Another is Candida albicans. If you've ever experienced a yeast infection, then you probably know this one well. Although everyone has Candida, concerns are unlikely to arise if it's kept in balance. However, if an imbalance occurs, so may […]

A protease (also known as a proteolytic enzyme, peptidase or proteinase) is an enzyme that helps digest different kinds of proteins in a process called proteolysis. Proteases are a category of enzymes; some are produced by the body, some are found in foods, and some are produced by bacteria and other microbes. Proteases assist with many different body processes including digestion, immune system function, and blood circulation. (more…)

Trying to lose weight can be an incredibly frustrating experience for most people. The most aggravating part is that rebound effect. Sure, you lose weight ... but as soon as you stop dieting, it just piles back on – and then some! The concern is the usual focus on cutting calories. It seems obvious that, if you take in fewer calories, you'll shed the pounds. To some degree, that's true, but it isn't the whole story. In fact, it's probably not even half of it. The primary concern is that, […]