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Earth Day

Vegan Diet

Although many proteins are animal or dairy based, alternative, vegetable based sources of protein exist for those who follow vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise restricted diets. Some of these include pea protein, hemp protein, and even strawberry protein. One of the best forms is a bio-fermented raw sprouted whole grain brown rice protein, which combines the sprouted endosperm and the bran. Brown rice protein has a number of positive qualities- it’s hypoallergenic, retains the natural fiber and bran that we need, and is an overall convenient source of protein. (more…)

Heated battles have raged across the world’s dinner tables for about as long as anyone can remember. The topic of this unending debate? Vegetables. Despite their most valiant efforts many parents still struggle with their kids about eating their nightly serving of greens. Visiting your local farmers markets, fresher produce and more interesting/flavorful recipes have been helping to slowly turn the tide, but arming yourself with a little extra knowledge before going into battle doesn’t usually hurt either. (more…)

Grains are a dietary staple for many people, despite their subpar nutritional status. Wheat and corn are the most consumed grains in the world and their proliferation into the food market makes them almost impossible to avoid. An added concern with corn is that it's often genetically modified, a practice that presents its own concerns. And, of course, for many people, the gluten content in wheat does a terrible number on their digestive system. Fortunately, for those interested in a gluten-free diet, there are several alternative grains that provide better nutrition […]

When approached correctly, a vegan and vegetarian diet is a fantastic way to give your body a pure stream of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, to get the most out of your effort, nutritional knowledge, practice, and discipline are paramount to getting the nutrients you require – especially amino acids and vitamin B12. A journey into the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle without that knowledge may result in your experiencing one or more of the following 10 concerns. (more…)

Once children start consuming solid food, life-long eating habits begin to take root. What they learn from parents, friends, and others will shape the way they eat. This means that even when a child is young, nutritional education is extremely important for laying the groundwork for their habits and health. And, the evidence is clear, children who consume a nutritious diet at a young age are likely to stick with it and have a greater chance of avoiding health concerns later on in life. There is no question that a […]