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Women's Health

Hair and Skin

It is clear that the micronutrient iodine is a key essential element for the normal growth and development in all of the body's organ and tissue systems. Iodine, plus iron, magnesium, and zinc, are often considered the best "hair growth minerals" you can take. If you are currently experiencing hair loss, it may be a good idea to supplement with these, as thinning tresses is one of the most common signs of a mineral deficiency, particularly iodine. (more…)

When most people think about taking care of their skin, they focus on the outside — but what's on the inside counts even more! Perhaps you avoid tanning beds or wear sunscreen every day.[1] You may have a stack of skin care products at home that you use to fight the signs of aging or sun damage. Are you aware that the foods and nutrients you put inside your body make an even bigger difference? Vitamin C is one of those powerhouse nutrients for skin you should get every day![2] […]

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For many of us, cold showers are an unpleasant mishap on a routine day. When you hear a shout of “THERE’S NO HOT WATER!" coming from the bathroom, it usually isn't a good thing. But it may be time to rethink that knee-jerk reaction. If you are wondering if cold showers are good for you, read on. It turns out that cold showers offer a wealth of health benefits: they boost your immune system, improve circulation, lift your mood, ease muscle tension, and give you a big boost of energy! […]

If you want healthy skin — and who doesn't — you want to ensure you get the right combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. With so many out there, how do you know what specific vitamins promote skin health? Whether you have adult acne, wrinkles, dry skin, slow-healing wounds, or other skin concerns, nature makes it easy for you. Hundreds of plants contain vitamins that boost skin health, keeping your skin moisturized, elastic, and having a smooth complexion. Vitamins are vital for healthy skin and its function. With the right […]

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Hives are never an easy condition to deal with. It’s a rash that can appear anywhere on your body and is usually triggered by an allergic reaction from a number of things like stress, foods, and even medications. Regardless of your situation, hives are a huge inconvenience. To complicate the situation, the number one remedy for hives is identifying the root cause of your allergic reaction, but the potential causes seem endless. Not to mention, there are home remedies and you start to wonder which natural approach is the most […]

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