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Body Cleansing Diet

Berries have been shown to be some of the healthiest foods on the planet. It seems new research is constantly being published and berries are being recognized and analyzed for their health giving properties. Extremely high in antioxidants, berries are among my favorite foods. In no specific order, these are berries that are extremely high health benefits: (more…)

Some may reason that it shouldn't matter how late we eat just as long as the calories we consume are within range of what our bodies need. However, eating late affects the body in a different way than eating a larger meal at mid-day. Calories that are consumed at night are usually not processed as efficiently as those during the day. Think about it, unless you work the night shift, most people's activities wind down as the day does. Settling in after dinner isn't uncommon. Unfortunately, if we lie down […]

Black walnut, or juglans nigra, is a tree that thrives in low, very moist and warm environments along the eastern seaboard from Florida to Texas and north up through the Dakotas to Ontario. Its wood is dark reddish-brown and has a fine grain and luster that made it a popular hardwood in the early 17th century for furniture, flooring, gunstocks, and coffins. Many traditional medicine systems have utilized black walnut as a natural therapy, including the Romans who called it the "imperial nut." Black walnut hull, specifically, contains juglone, tannins, […]

Seeds can be a fantastic source of nutrition and pumpkin seeds are among the best. The pumpkin is a member of the squash family and it's native to North and Central America. Its seeds have been used by Native Americans for centuries to support urinary and digestive health. Just a single serving provides highly nutritious and necessary minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and iron. As an added bonus, pumpkin seeds are packed with potent antioxidants. (more…)

A few years ago, Suzanne Somers made some waves when she wrote a book entitled, Knockout, in which she profiled various doctors and practitioners who were using natural and unconventional methods to fight cancer. She also looked at a few of the conventional methods preferred by the American Medical system and offered qualified perspectives on where things were going wrong. (more…)

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