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Every day we are bombarded with toxic compounds. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and even the homes we live in – all have some level of toxic contamination. It’s just the unavoidable nature of our industrialized world; there’s almost no safe haven. You can’t eliminate every point of exposure but you can reduce and control it. And by reducing your exposure to toxins, you’ll help reduce the effect they have on your health. (more…)

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The famous philosopher Descartes described the pineal gland as the “principal seat of the soul.” You’ve probably heard of this gland being the "third eye," a mystical chakra point residing right in the middle of your eyebrows. It turns out these ideas aren’t too far off. The small, rice-sized, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ known as the pineal gland sits alone in the middle of the brain and at the same level as the eyes. (more…)

As the third leading cause of death in the United States, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, probably affects – or will affect – someone you know. While COPD may not be highly profiled as heart disease or cancer, it’s still one of the most prevalent and deadly conditions today. In order to fight against the development of COPD and support your lung health, you should educate yourself on its facts, causes, and symptoms. (more…)

Women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant hear a lot about things they can do to help their baby, but not so much about how to encourage the health of their placenta. Considering that the placenta is the buffer between mom and baby, this would seem like important information. Placenta health is just as important to the health of your baby as taking prenatal vitamins, getting enough rest, and avoiding things like caffeine and cigarettes. (more…)

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