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Women's Health


Calcium orotate is the most highly absorbed calcium supplement. Extensive research by the late German doctor Hans A. Nieper, M.D. found that orotate molecules are the most efficient carriers of calcium, magnesium, lithium, and other ions in the body. Orotates can cross the cell membrane, delivering the mineral ion to the innermost layers of the cell, reaching the mitochondria and nucleus. Other calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lactate, malate, and phosphate, cannot penetrate into the membranes as orotates can, or are broken up in the digestive tract.[1, […]

You may have seen probiotic yogurt advertised as having "live active cultures." This indicates that the yogurt contains living, beneficial organisms intended to help your body with digestion. Many people wonder if there's any truth in that or if it's just a marketing ploy. Well, considering the nature of advertisers, you might be surprised to know that although "probiotics" has become a hot buzzword in health food advertising, it's not just a bunch of hype. In fact, probiotics do promote healthy digestion. What's not often discussed is that, like all […]

Have you ever thought of improving your mental health through the gut? If not, you should be. Your gut is where digestion begins, but it's also connected to your brain and at least 70 percent of your immune system. You simply can't be healthy if your gut isn't healthy. The "gut" is a general term that describes the entire digestive system. This includes the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and large intestine (aka the colon). Your gut is packed with bacteria and home to 2,000 different species that […]

Manganese is a nutrient that is critical for the production of several different enzymes. Your body uses many of these enzymes to support antioxidant activity,[1] nutrient absorption,[2] bone development,[3] metabolism,[4] and the healing of wounds.[5] Like any other mineral, manganese works best when it’s obtained from natural, whole-food sources. Foods that are rich in manganese include nuts, seeds, grains, vegetables, legumes, herbs, and spices. (more…)

The glycemic index (GI) is a way to measure the impact that carbohydrate-containing foods have on blood sugar, or blood glucose.[1] People are interested in understanding the glycemic index (and the glycemic load) of food so they can construct a healthier diet. Blood sugar affects many aspects of health, including the risk of getting cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, so watching the GI of foods in your diet can improve your overall health prospects. (more…)